This was such a surreal video, Owen. I can't believe anyone would accuse you of that. So grateful for everything you are doing, and everything you stand for. What a difference you're making.

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Great video, serious topics being discussed Owen asserts and provides evidence, his opinions and commentary have always been in support of Palestine. I’ve been following him for years and he has always called out injustice, often vilified or dismissed but it never deterred him. I did chuckle at ‘twink death is real’

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I've been following you for nearly a decade and a half, and I'll continue to follow and support you cus you have always been consistent and trustworthy. While there are things I disagree with you on, you've always stood by your principles, and you never let anyone try to shut you down.

Keep on fighting, Owen.

Also, Twink death? You? Really? Sorry Owen, but you're still a twink, lol.

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Is there really someone out there stupid enough to think Jones is a fucking Israeli stooge? Yes, Doug. Yes, there is. Lots of them. It's example n in an infinite series of how willfully brain-fucking-dead just about everyone is, and that's why we're finished six ways to Sunday. It's no reason not to keep fighting as hard as possible. Who needs hope? Overrated. But if actual leftwingers are this detached from reality, we're all done.

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The proof is in the pudding

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A pudding Israel would rather wasn’t on the menu

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Please don't stop speaking up. You are a light in a sea of darkness, misinformation, and blatant lying, and speak the truth with facts, with utter fearlessness, clarity and brilliance. We need you, Owen.

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