It's good to see you posting again, Owen. I really hope that with the fall of Assad, the Syrian Kurds will finally gain independence and the ability to decide their own future.

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Am missing something here?HTS,)(formally Alqaeda) we're supported and paid by lsrael? And in turn the USA? Or am l mistaken.

How will Hamas and Hezbollah get weapons to Continue fighting the lsraelis? And how great a threat does this place on lraq and lran?

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What is the role of President Erdogan, and Turkey in all of this???

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In amongst so much chaos can we ever really know what is unfolding for the Syrian people? They just seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong highly armed and dangerous freedom fighters/liberators/'buffer zone' expanders/geopolitical players of various stripes stomping all over them again.

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I so appreciate your reporting Owen. Stay fierce, stay safe

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So glad you are better and happy to read your comments. There will be problems but Syrians are deliriously happy.

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Thanks for explaining what is happening in Syria! This article is a really good recap and summary of what Syrians have faced for the past decade. Great journalism Owen!!

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