I stand by my belief that when Corbyn came within a sniff of forming a government, The Establishment sh*t itself and set about a devastating smear campaign to ensure the threat this posed was neutralised for at least a generation.

Given he is part of said Establishment, Starmer’s rise to power all seems part of that plan. He fully embraced Corbynism to get to where he is, only to utterly reject it, and indeed swerve sharply in the other direction, once his path to power was clear.

People couldn’t believe that someone who used to call himself a friend of Jeremy Corbyn could lie and gaslight so many people on a scale that would make even Boris Johnson blush, but here we are.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” - Maya Angelou

He showed us who he was many times, but we didn’t want to believe him.

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Agree Adam, plus he was fully aligned with the Labour friends of Israel posse when they helped put the antisemitic boot in. I don’t think he can be trusted, I mean would you trust someone who OK’d firing missiles into a country you are not at war with and helping foreign bomber pilots target civilians in far off lands?

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