For some reason,l can't like this post. So l am putting my like, here in the comments.

God forbid these poverty stricken CEOs might just need to employ a plethora of bodyguards!!!

I don't agree with killing people. But as a long time sufferer of a Chronic illness (in the UK)

I can totally understand why Luigi was driven to the edge, and did what he did. Time America tooka long hard look at itself, instead of funding and fighting in other countries. Paid for by American tax payers dollars!

I know where my sympathy lies.

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For a closer look at US healthcare companies' systematic denial of care, and the resulting deaths, take a look at this recent Pro Publica investigative piece. It will make you sick to your stomach. Violence is never the answer but Owen is 100% correct, US health insurance companies are systematically killing US citizens and getting away with it.


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Seriously, what do we expect from the system that gave us Vietnam to Afghanistan?

Fundamentally, the US position on Health care:

US system = Good

Cuban system = Bad

Answer = Destroy Cuba

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