Can I just say something here? You guys may know this, but, do you all realize what Jones has given up? He was wired into Labour from birth; could have made a ton of money being their journo-stooge. Gone into TV, government, consulting.

He is too British-polite to toot his own horn but how many of us would turn down seven figures just to do the right thing?

He’ll say, rightly I imagine, that he’ll be OK via Substack, book deals, or whatever else. But it’s a no-joke move of real courage.

No, I don’t know him. But if you can throw down, do so! 😊

[Later edit: Yes, I subscribed!]

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“This is about smearing those who oppose genocide as hateful extremists - while cheerleaders for depravity style themselves as mainstream moderates.”

Now there is a well-chosen lede. Sums it up.

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Good ol’ BBC know (or have they forgotten) that when you ban something, like controversial songs, participation increases.

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…..and the 9 o’clock news tonight will be read by Tinky Winky the Teletubbie

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