OK, gang. Here's the plan. Let's do this.
Our media industry leaves a lot to be desired. In age of turmoil, that's an understatement - and it threatens us all.
I’ve been umming and ahing about starting a Substack for so long, and in those months of ADHD-fuelled paralysis, a world which was already in turmoil has veered increasingly into catastrophe.
Well, there’s no shortage of commentators to talk about all of that. And it’s not as though I don’t talk and write elsewhere. So here’s how I see the big possibilities over by what has become an invaluable platform.
Firstly: challenging the industry I work in - the Western media. My first two books - Chavs and The Establishment - were, in large part, critiques of a media dominated by wealthy moguls. My charge sheet has been long: defending a status quo which benefits media owners, redirecting anger from the powerful to the vulnerable, spreading deceit and distortion, demonising anyone or anything which gets in the way, shutting down the very idea of an alternative - we could go on.
Well, since October, complicity in genocide has been added to that J’Accuse. The Western media has long aided and abetted the calamitous foreign policy goals of our elites. With Israel’s genocidal onslaught against Gaza - and beyond - our media (with honourable exceptions) has erased the reality of this historic abomination, whitewashed Israeli crimes, regurgitated Israeli propaganda, failed to reflect Israel’s intent, refused to hold our government to account - we could go on.
Some might go - well, this is a bit much from someone who has worked in the industry for so long, mainstream journalist much? Well, sure, but without sounding excessively cocky, I’m hoping my “not quite in, not quite out” position gives a certain unique perspective.
Secondly: using my platform to never stop talking about the genocide. As soon the genocide began, I made a personal pact to use my voice as best I could to expose the hideous truth being suppressed by the wider media, and that includes by signal boosting the often deliberately marginalised brilliant work of others. There are other grave crises, too, that need urgent attention: the climate emergency being one.
Thirdly: challenging the far right. You may have noticed they are doing rather well at the moment. I want to develop my own thoughts about we do about it. In my view, that doesn’t mean the left should give ground or lose confidence - quite the opposite. After all, the neoliberals and then the far right did not do this in their wilderness years - and nor must we.
Fourthly: reporting and investigative work. I spent months working on an investigative piece about the BBC’s coverage on genocide: I want to do more of that. I also just spent a couple of weeks in the US covering the elections, and it makes sense to write down my thoughts as I’m travelling around in future: what interesting people are saying to me, what I’ve witnessed, that kind of thing.
Fifthly: generally sharing my thoughts about whatever the hell is going on, particularly things missing or not getting enough attention in mainstream media outlets. An important part of what I’m doing is written versions of my YouTube videos, which some of you have suggested for a while. (I get it, you’re sick of my face, relatable). Also, Twitter (I am never going to call it anything else) has gone to pot, so it makes sense to redirect that time here. Better for my blood pressure and sanity, too!
Sixthly (is that a thing?): I’m writing a book about The Fall of the West. Well go and bloody write it, you cry (along with my editor and agent). I’m making a lot of progress but writing sometimes scrappy thoughts about what’s happening helps me get my thoughts together, especially when I get feedback, which I would really appreciate from you!
I’m very much a ‘try and keep the work I do accessible to all’ kind of guy, as I’ve done with my video channel. I’ll do occasional letters to paid subscribers, and I’ll give them exclusive rights to comment and chat. But my principles dictate that my journalistic work - whether you like it or not! - should be there to be read and indeed torn apart by whoever.
But I do want to expand the operation I’ve got by hiring great people who know what they’re doing, and want to put more funds and resources into that. The far right have made a terrifyingly effective impact on e.g. TikTok and that needs time and expertise for the left to turn around. So a huge thanks to paid subscribers for helping in that regard.
My first piece is about how the Western media covered up the very public promises of Israeli leaders and officials to commit genocide against the Palestinians. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Please do subscribe and spread the word - and I’ll do a big video / social media launch in the morning.
Love and solidarity, Owen x
Thank you Owen for your incredible commitment. I'm excited to read your first piece, and everything that comes after. Solidarity.
it's not just the mainstream media but the medical literature that has deliberately evaded the truth about the assault on healthcare and the genocide in gaza. Look out for work being published soon on medical literature bias.....it will be damning. thank you for all you're doing Owen. love from Gaza x