it's not just the mainstream media but the medical literature that has deliberately evaded the truth about the assault on healthcare and the genocide in gaza. Look out for work being published soon on medical literature will be damning. thank you for all you're doing Owen. love from Gaza x
Owen, I genuinely appreciate your commitment to your work, and the effort and courage it takes to keep speaking Truth to Power (and to keep going!). Your unwavering commitment to exposing the genocide in Gaza is needed right now, and whilst I’m sure at times you must feel like you’re speaking into a void, the ripple effects of Truth Speaking cannot be underestimated.
It’s also nice to see your writing in a more relaxed tone, which for me is a easier way to engage with the content you share (fully understand why you have to write with a different style for your more mainstream gigs).
And finally, from one neurodivergent, 1984 born gay guy to another - it’s inspiring to see someone from our community doing so well *insert heart emoji*.
Owen your work is invaluable, I'm just reading Naomi Klein's Doppelganger (which is excellent BTW) in it she talks about how words and meanings have become watered down, distorted, hijacked even in our social media saturated conversations and MSM machinations. This stood out -
"but there is one thing we must never surrender, and that is the language of anti-fascism. The true meanings of "genocide" and "apartheid" and "Holocaust," and the supremacist mindset that makes them all possible. These words we need, as sharp as possible, to name and combat what is rapidly taking shape in the Mirror-World....."
Thank you Owen for your incredible commitment. I'm excited to read your first piece, and everything that comes after. Solidarity.
it's not just the mainstream media but the medical literature that has deliberately evaded the truth about the assault on healthcare and the genocide in gaza. Look out for work being published soon on medical literature will be damning. thank you for all you're doing Owen. love from Gaza x
Owen, I genuinely appreciate your commitment to your work, and the effort and courage it takes to keep speaking Truth to Power (and to keep going!). Your unwavering commitment to exposing the genocide in Gaza is needed right now, and whilst I’m sure at times you must feel like you’re speaking into a void, the ripple effects of Truth Speaking cannot be underestimated.
It’s also nice to see your writing in a more relaxed tone, which for me is a easier way to engage with the content you share (fully understand why you have to write with a different style for your more mainstream gigs).
And finally, from one neurodivergent, 1984 born gay guy to another - it’s inspiring to see someone from our community doing so well *insert heart emoji*.
Owen your work is invaluable, I'm just reading Naomi Klein's Doppelganger (which is excellent BTW) in it she talks about how words and meanings have become watered down, distorted, hijacked even in our social media saturated conversations and MSM machinations. This stood out -
"but there is one thing we must never surrender, and that is the language of anti-fascism. The true meanings of "genocide" and "apartheid" and "Holocaust," and the supremacist mindset that makes them all possible. These words we need, as sharp as possible, to name and combat what is rapidly taking shape in the Mirror-World....."
Keep up the pressure Owen.
I threw down for a year. Keep it up! 😊