Look, someone give the bloke some milk!

Joking aside a boot camp for progressive content creators sounds like a good idea - why not start a crowdfunding campaign Owen?

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Great ideas, I think it should be an international coalition with a British branch. The problem is everywhere, and I think it would be a good strategy to target the mainstream media more. There should be mass protests outside the BBC after your exposé and Clarissa Ward's scandal should have drawn protestors to CNN. These institutions are propaganda arms and stenographers of the oligarchs and the state, they do nothing to hold power to account.

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As far as humor goes Nicole Jenes not British, but her method is effective and could be used on many issues with someone of her talent.

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I think it should also focus on the next generation. I just came across a commercial for this on Rumble. https://thekidsguide.com/trumpcouragebundle/?promotioncode=T91DL24A

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