The right, the think tanks like the Adam Smith Institute the IEA and similar Tufton Street mafiosi, the Chicago School, Buchanan and Public Choice Theory, all bankrolled by big funders/big business clearly had a well thought out strategy or Battle Plan, co-operated with each other and with right wing politicians. The Left - is there still a Left in politics? - argued amongst themselves while a populist right eviscerated the Labour Party.
The Left needs a strategy, a battle plan of attack lines as you suggest. And it needs to cooperate with everyone on the left.
But it also needs to provide an alternative, a different kind of society to one of greed, duplicity, brazen lying, conspiracy,and one where an oligarchy exploits the majority to ensure wealth continues to cascade upwards. We need to reaffirm what might seem old-fashioned values like equality, fairness, justice. (A good place to look for inspiring ideas is the work of philosopher John Rawls)
The left should also tackle the issues, the people, which the right use as footballs and scapegoats for all our ills. Stop saying people have “genuine concerns” about migrants, for example which is to concede the Right’s right to bigotry, and address it honestly because migration to the UK is mainly a positive story.
Lefties will also need to tooled up to defend ourselves especially when the establishment and Liberal centrists side with the Far right against the left as they always do.
Can you expand on who the "We" are and who " We" woukd go into an election campaigning for? I don't disagree with your premise at all. It's interesting that Hayek et al recognised the Marxist truth that crisis is the point of change and how to prepare btw. Ted Grant was our guide in this without their money.
I just don't know who you are speaking to as " the left". If Jeremy had created a party, or even the P and J campaign had a focus, then it woukd make sense, but he's currently not doing that at all.
Absolutely 100% right, along with, don’t bring knives to gun fights.
I mean the left has had a habit of bringing calculators to gun fights
And PowerPoints!
The right, the think tanks like the Adam Smith Institute the IEA and similar Tufton Street mafiosi, the Chicago School, Buchanan and Public Choice Theory, all bankrolled by big funders/big business clearly had a well thought out strategy or Battle Plan, co-operated with each other and with right wing politicians. The Left - is there still a Left in politics? - argued amongst themselves while a populist right eviscerated the Labour Party.
The Left needs a strategy, a battle plan of attack lines as you suggest. And it needs to cooperate with everyone on the left.
But it also needs to provide an alternative, a different kind of society to one of greed, duplicity, brazen lying, conspiracy,and one where an oligarchy exploits the majority to ensure wealth continues to cascade upwards. We need to reaffirm what might seem old-fashioned values like equality, fairness, justice. (A good place to look for inspiring ideas is the work of philosopher John Rawls)
The left should also tackle the issues, the people, which the right use as footballs and scapegoats for all our ills. Stop saying people have “genuine concerns” about migrants, for example which is to concede the Right’s right to bigotry, and address it honestly because migration to the UK is mainly a positive story.
Lefties will also need to tooled up to defend ourselves especially when the establishment and Liberal centrists side with the Far right against the left as they always do.
Well said Owen. "Calculators to gun fights", so very true.
Can you expand on who the "We" are and who " We" woukd go into an election campaigning for? I don't disagree with your premise at all. It's interesting that Hayek et al recognised the Marxist truth that crisis is the point of change and how to prepare btw. Ted Grant was our guide in this without their money.
I just don't know who you are speaking to as " the left". If Jeremy had created a party, or even the P and J campaign had a focus, then it woukd make sense, but he's currently not doing that at all.